The Perfect Lager Project - ARVO Lager Launch

In 2012 SASS Management works with the team at Casella to launch the first ever beer, with no beer!
Casella created an iPhone app called "The Perfect Lager Project" and got Australian beer drinkers to review their beers.
Using the feedback from over 3,000 Aussie beer aficiondos, Casella launched 2 ARVO Lagers in June 2012, each with a different flavour profile. Customers could then vote for their favourite of the 2 beers and the winning beer would go on sale as Casella's first beer and hadd.
Analogue Folk, the advertising and marketing agency, had previously used another promotional agency but the scale of this needed someone with national experience and SASS Management was only too happy to assist.
Our experienced team of promotional and event agents got together 120 staff to work in 80 locations, across 5 states throughout Australia and we did this with 1.5 weeks lead time.
The campaign was a resounding success and the achieved a staggering 140% of predicted sales, reduced previous staff costs by 10% and SASS Management was able to provide detailed statistics and analysis of how the campign went.
The team at Analogue Folk and Casella's were very pleased with othe work from SASS Management.
#sassmanagement #sassmgmt #sasspromotional #arvobeer #productlaunch