Sofi Spritz Launch - National Product Launch

SOFI Spritz got in contact with SASS Management for a rollout of their new beverage, including tastings at over 250 retail outlets all across Australia.
The campaign for the product launch of SOFI Spritz included taste testing and a strong sales campaign at BWS and Dan Murphy's outlets across Australia.
This covered over 250 retail stores across 5 states and involved over 200 staff. In addition to SASS Management organising and providing the staffing and experiences in the 250+ outlets, SASS MGMT also provided reporting and statistics to SOFI Spritz on the campaign.
Of course, campaigns are always that much better when you have something free, such as the SOFI Spritz Beach Cooler Bag, but that only helped to boost the sales and generate mass awareness of the SOFI Spritz line of drinks.
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