Event Management
SASS Events is a specialist events company with the drive and desire to create unique events that leave a lasting impression.
Whether you need to entertain crowds, corporates or celebrities, launching a brand, or promoting a new product, SASS Events delivers creative event concepts and professional services to ensure every event goes off with a bang!
SASS Events offers the following services:
Event Creation
Our professional event managers can consult with you to improve your existing concepts or create new ideas from scratch.
Event Publicity & PR
We use proven marketing and publicity strategies coupled with the latest innovative technology to ensure your event is a sell-out. We constantly research the best marketing approaches for all major target demographics to ensure your campaign is effective and cost-efficient as possible.
Turn-Key Event Solutions
SASS Management has a successful history of tried and tested event formats for any event style, size or budget.
Event Support Services
- Event Promotions and Marketing
- Street Teams
- Online and Viral Event Videos
- Print Designs
- Social Media Promotions
- Event Concept Creations
- Support Staff
- Event Managers
- Event Filming
Our Previous Events
- Celebrity After Parties - D12, Lil'Jon
- Production Parties - MENTAL, BAIT 3D, BIG BROTHER, THE RUINS
- Good Vibrations After Party 2010
- EB Games Expo and After Party 2011
- Fashion Fridays Designer Showcase
- VIP Movie Premieres
- Elegant After Parties
- In-House Events
- Nightclub Events
- Fashion Parades
- EP Launches
- RISE Dance Showcase Feat. JABBAWOCKEEZ
- MOTION Dance Showcase
- FAME Networking Event
- SASS Lounge